Michael's Guardian blogspot was deleted by Google just before Christmas this year. When this happened they deleted not only a 12 year old, thousand-plus page blog, they deleted the whole account, email and all.
Oddly enough, I was not that unprepared: I was surprised it didn't happen sooner than it did. They had deleted it earlier in the year, in August of 2021 but after a week I had managed to appeal it and it was back up. But I'm not a quitter. I do not know how long this one will last, but the research from Michael's Guardian is already out there. Others have it and are sharing it. Especially on Gab and Rumble.
It has taken me quite a while to get a new blog up and established. I have a temporary one on https://thesecondvail.blogspot.com/ . You can catch up with the blogs I have posted there since the first shut down in August. I took ill right after the latest sabotage and I am still on the mend so please have patience. I am still learning to navigate this blog site so I will be using "TheSecondVail" until I can completely get off of Google.
I also wanted to tell you this, because it became a lesson/reminder for me. After a medical emergency, I had gone back to work although taking light duty. I was still in pain but it was much better than it was. On the 16th of January (this past Sunday) we had a snow storm. I work so close to home, I was not worried. I could have walked home if I had too, but it was all up hill.
There was about four to five inches on the ground when I left work, but it was snowing heavy. I drove down the hill and came to the stoplight without incident. I turned the corner then turned onto my road. From the bottom of that hill to the stop sign at the top of it, is less than a quarter of a mile, but I began spinning tires about twenty feet into this climb (it is about an 85% upgrade all the way). Everything in my head said "No. Keep going. As long as you are moving, you keep going".
Anyone riding with me would have been laughing - it was like one of those comedy movies where the ingenue refuses to give up in insurmountable odds. I did everything I could think of: I pulsed the accelerator, I even bounced up and down in my vehicle, tried shimmying in my seat to apply alternating momentum to the motion of the car. I moved maybe six to twelve inches at a time. It took me a 35 minutes to get up a hill that was less than a quarter of a mile. By the time I reached the first cross street, I had to stop. I could smell hot rubber tires.
By the time I got to the first cross street, I had to stop the car. The tires were hot and I could smell them. I sat for a few minutes and talked to God. Then I got mad. Why am I paying such extortionist fees for snow clearing and still have to deal with this? Then I became calm again and realized I can see the stop sign at the top of the hill. I could get out and walk from here if I had to. But no: As long as I could still move, this car WILL be parked in my carport!
Okay, Lord, get me home. I can see the light now! So I slowly applied the gas. The tires spun but I was moving, and I was moving straight (God kept me straight). Six to seven inches at a time, eight inches a minute. I encouraged my struggling vehicle, "come on, only 100 feet to the stop sign!" . . . "come on, only 75 feet to the stop sign!" . . . "You can do it! Only 50 feet to the stop sign!" . . .
25 feet to go and it begins to level out. I did NOT stop at the stop sign, I just turned the corner, drove into the cul-de-sac and gently, slowly, softly into the carport. I was home.
Not by my power, not by luck, not even by tenacity: But in God's time, and not giving up. It was a lesson in patience, longsuffering, temperance and diligence. Did I pass this with flying colors? Of course not. I slipped as I always do, and forgetting FAITH has a lot to do with a situation that God sees the end of, and we don't. He got me home. And he will get you home too.
We have some ways to go, as bad as it looks out there in the world - "All things work together for good" - and the "bad things" we endure to that good end. Perhaps the blog had to be shut down, so that while "fighting the good fight", we don't end up fighting the will of God in the process.
God bless you and thank you for not giving up on me.
Bonnie Cox

I am still recovering and going through testing. I'm really sorry but I am working on getting this up slowly but surely!