The Brandon Dilemma

“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves.” – Matthew 7:15.
“But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.” – 2 Peter 2:1.
“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” – 1 John 4:1.
False prophets, false flags, false teachers and false paradigms: we are in a time of such severe ground clutter, that the radar in us has much difficulty in sifting from it the truth. Every revelation, every manifestation of past prophecies are labeled Conspiracy theories.
Conspiracy theory: Is this now just another misused label affixed to those who strive to share a truth the guilty don’t want the people to hear? The label itself is a mechanism of oppression of truth.
It has become a misnomer, much like another misused accusation, like anti-Semite, or Nazi, discriminator, or “hater” because heaven forbid you should caution them about the lie. But by the definition of the two words thrown together to put witnesses “in a class with a bad name”, it is a scientific expression.
What is a conspiracy theory? Should you be offended if you are ever accused of being one? I guess that all depends on what your definition of theory is: Facts in Evidence is not a “theory”. It is exhibit A in the courtroom which will soon be presided over by God Himself.
Theory is a scientific term: It is “a set of statements or principles devised to explain a repeatedly tested group of facts or phenomena. – Source, Theory begs the responsibility to research, compare, dissect, discern, spot patterns and test the data before you. A “hypothesis” becomes “theory” in the order of scientific method, so that label shares the same shelf as the theory of gravity.
And Conspiracy? Well, Conspiracy is the backbone doctrine of “survival of the fittest”. SOTF doesn’t exist without conspiracy. Predators and packs of wolves have been committing it since the beginning of time. If you believe this behavior stops at man, you must have slept through your world history class.
Last topic posted here was “Exposing Egypt”. We talked about the oppression that was committed against the children of Israel, and the pattern of this oppression playing out in modern times. It is now going global.
There is other news recently that will verify this, and the deception of a “Global Reset/Great awakening” being opposing doctrines from the same source. People are wading through this “Good cop-Bad cop” drama; and some of the people are beginning to see this for what it is: a strong delusion.
A Visitation

I believe I told you all in March (some of you, it’s not on the blog articles) that my estranged husband had come up to my state to help me in recovery of surgery. However the surgery got pushed back to the summer time for economic reasons and he is now back home.
While he was here, perhaps two weeks before he was to return home, it was my day off and there was a knock on my front door. I was on the phone with insurance people at the time so my husband answered the door. I was sitting at my desk when he tucked his head around the corner and said “there’s people here, police officers”. Interested as can be, I brought the phone with me out to the hall way.
The door swings open to partially block the hallway, so I had to shut it to get around it and open it again. I was still on the phone and I put my index finger up to tell the officers (there were two) to hold on a minute so I could close out the call. It was cold outside so I motioned them inside.
I closed the call as politely as I could, so I could find out what this was all about. One of the officers spoke when I asked them how I could help them and he asked me if I was once the owner of “Caspersfortress” account on Google. When I said I was but Google had shut me down, they then told me they had come about that account.
The one officer had a folder in his hand. He said that Google had “flagged” my account because an “image” was emailed from my account. He opened the folder he had with him which was rather thin, and showed me a print out of the image. He asked me “Did you email this from your account?” I told him “No, I did not, but I know the image because it was all over the internet back in 2011 through 2013 when a bunch of us online were investigating the child trafficking ties. He wanted to know who else was investigating and I said “I never met them face to face, they were from all over”.
I had explained to the officer that during 2011, I was covering information on the Dr. Conrad Murray trial on the death of Michael Jackson in 2009. During the course of that trial (and the significance of what Jackson was accused of), an ABC “Nightline” documentary featured Corey Feldman testifying to the “number one problem in Hollywood” being pedophilia. He clued people in on the timing by mentioning his association with Corey Haim, the movies they were staring in and the producers (moguls) he said he knew was “watching this, I guarantee you”.
I explained to the officer that several of us moved on this, investigating and connecting some of the “moguls” of that time to certain political groups, corporations, and the timing of the “Franklin/Boys Town”, Hershey, Midnight Call Boys at the White House, “the Founders” cult, and later the Hershey Orphanage and Penn State/Sandusky scandals.
I told the officers that because of the sensitivity of the subject matter, I would never have emailed them (especially now, since I’ve not covered any of that in a long time) and I told the people I worked with not to email them either. That doesn’t mean they didn’t, but the other issue was, how was this emailed out of a closed down Google account?
The officers asked me if someone could have sent it to me and of course, I didn’t know, because I couldn’t get into the account. They also asked me if someone could have sent it to my phone (was it mailed out of my phone?) They asked if the 803 number was my number and I said no. I had changed the phone and the number back last summer because my phone had been hacked twice. Then they asked me if anyone else had the password to my router, and only people I knew did (I don’t get many visitors). They would be family.
The officers were very pleasant, non-threatening, and had explained to me that; that is why they were there: to find out if I knew about it, ask me if anyone could possibly have sent me the image (I didn’t know, because I couldn’t get into the account on the date they said it was emailed) and to caution about emailing images like that even with the best of intentions because it could be used against you when you were only trying to help. He also cautioned about letting authorities handle things like that because it could also be dangerous (but authorities are not handling it. The procurers of children for the wealthy, and those who buy them are not being taken down).
I asked a few questions of my own and learned one of the officers drove two plus hours to ask me that one question (did I email the image). They weren’t charging anyone with any thing, they were not interested in WHO the image was allegedly emailed to, and did not seem to want to investigate further than me. The one officer also told me . . . twice, when I asked about what division they worked out of, and he said “it’s not a division we kind of work in the shadows” – in those exact words – two different times, word for word – “we kind of work in the shadows”. The one I emailed later did not reply when I asked him for a time and date stamp of the alleged email.
They had uniforms and badges, and I did ask for a card, which neither of them had. He said he was out of business cards and wrote his name and email on a piece of my note pad paper.
They did not threaten me in any way and they did not ask me anything other than about the picture, who I thought could have hacked my account, if that happened, and if I had any other email addresses. I told them I had a work email that I could not give out. Then they left. Before they did though, they complemented the aroma in my house because we had just finished breakfast.
My husband, who was sitting there in the chair in the same room, accused them of harassing me the moment they mentioned Google. They denied it, but questions remain:
Why did they come from two hours away? We have police where I live.
Why did they want to ask me about an image allegedly emailed from a closed account when they had no intention of further investigation?
Why did they need to know my cell phone number and other email accounts if they were sent by, and had the report from Google?
If they were sent by Google, do they “work in the shadows” for Google?
By the way, the image they had shown me was separated out of whatever email it was supposedly sent to or from my account. The image, if some of you will remember, was reported back in the early 2,000’s to be “Johnny Gosch”: a kid that was allegedly kidnapped while running his paper route in Des Moines, Iowa – back in 1982. He was connected by other investigators including former senator John DeCamp, to “BoysTown/Franklin Scandal”, “White House Midnight Call Boys” scandal and was mentioned by another “BoysTown” orphan by the name of Paul Bonacci during an interview by Senator DeCamp.
Information can be found on the Wiki-page for Johnny Gosch. The image the officer showed me was one of the ones on the webpage his mother Noreen Gosch had made for recording the story of her son which she says were left on her doorstep on September 1, 2006.
The last question that rolls around in my mind is: why would police officers from a city two hours south of me, drive all the way up here and show me a picture they say was emailed from my closed account (closed by Google), of an incident that was 40 years old?
I also want to thank those officers for their professionalism and their calm demeanor. I don’t know why or the real reason for why they were here. Any simple surface investigation would have revealed more about that image than driving all the way up here to the boonies. There are people out there still investigating these abductions . . . and their connection to high powered child traffickers. Why are they targeting the ones bringing this to people’s attention?
Was it just an excuse to have Google intimidate me? Or was it a stealthy warning?
John McAffee

How many of you know who “John McAfee” is? The people who follow the “Q-Anon” groups know who he is. The “tech” market knows who John McAfee is. Wikipedia said this about John McAfee:
“On June 23, 2021, McAfee was found dead in his prison cell at the “Brians 2 Penitentiary Center” near Barcelona . . . The Catalan Justice Department said ‘everything indicates’ he killed himself by hanging. An official autopsy confirmed his suicide” . . .
John McAfee was described as an “eccentric”, a “Libertarian” who ran for president of the U.S. twice (withdrawing once only to re-commit to running the second time). He was the founder of McAfee Antivirus/cybersecurity software only to later discredit it (it was turned into something other than what he intended?); and he was increasingly critical of and quite vocal about the U.S. government policies on corporate welfare/oppression/monopolies, and public and foreign policies of the same.
A relative sent me on Tuesday, April 12, 2022, a series of posts coming from the supposedly deceased John McAfee’s Telegram Account. The relative told me it was first posted Friday, April 8th, 2022. The timing before Passover and Easter is interesting.
I’m not going to post everything that was sent to me; it was rather lengthy. I will however, post excerpts because they are most definitely significant to the fringe groups of the “QAnon” club through which McAfee was frequently quoted .
My other relative sent me a copy of this first:
“Here comes my Beloved; My Beloved is mine and IAM his; he browses among the lilies, perfumed with Myrrh… The First & The Last. Those who know Already Know >>> >>>11.4 The Blind See and the Dead Walk… The End is Here. Do you Believe in God? When the Last Trump’et blasts there is No going Back. Why? Death is an (I)llusion. 2 Woes remain: Again (A)gain. >66 Hours< Diamonds are Forever… One Diamond remains. <>Mirror Mirror on the Wall<> Who is the Lion and the Lamb? He is my Eternity: IAM his Forever… My Beloved who sits at the Right Hand” He is the Feather: The Word: Come Quickly My Lord of Eternity: Saving the Best for Last. Together Again at Last. Pray. Forevermore. Alice & Wonderland.”
I wrote this exactly as it appears, other than the three to four words per line to save space.
Another one which I am not sure which order it is in; said this:
The picture in keyboard characters is supposed to be the Easter Bunny, suggesting a Passover/Easter event. It also references the “White Rabbit” in “Alice in Wonderland”.
Well, the only event that happened that night was that I ran out of heating oil in the middle of the night sometime, in the early A.M of Easter Sunday. It was 56 degrees in my house when I woke up. The following Monday we had “thunder snow”. The things that probably stuck out for me in these posts were:
“Again (A)gain” = Aleph (“teacher gonna show you .. . how to get an A”! – 2 Kings 16:6).
“My Beloved who sits at the Right Hand” He is the Feather: The Word:” = The feather (Father?), a significant sign given back in 2009 when I first started this (and probably not just me).
“Alice & Wonderland” = A popular MK Ultra theme in mind programming. I took note that it says “Alice & Wonderland” and not “Alice IN Wonderland”. Also the name “Alice” means “Nobility, of noble kind”. It is also an alternate spelling for “Elisa” (El-issa) which in Arabic means Lord Jesus. This is also included at the end of his other posts (3 total) sent to me that day. It could also be tied to the "ALICE" experiment at CERN.
“AS ABOVE SO BELOW AS WITHIN SO WITHOUT” Is a pagan/Wiccan take on Jesus’ suggestion on how to pray in Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4: “thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”.
“RUNNIN THRU THE 666 WITH MY WOES” = The number of the beast, the name of the beast and the number of his name – this is “the name they made unto themselves” in Genesis 11:1-5.
“4CHAN R3FUG33 3GYPT 3GYPT 3GYPT WHY THE LONG D4RKNESS??” = Other than the timing of when I posted “Exposing Egypt” (April 10th, 2022), you can “count” the number of the beast in this sentence using the “3’s” that the author uses in place of “E’s”. There are six 3’s or 3+3, three times = 666.
Why Egypt?
“FUTURE PROVES PAST: THINK SM[Q]KE & [Z]RORRIM;” = References Q in the “SM[Q]KE & [Z]RORRIM (Mirror backward).
“CAUGHT BY THE ANTI CHRIST & HIS WICKED WITCH TRANNY GF HOPE HICKS IN THE 666 W/THE MOST BEAUTIFUL ONE IN THE UNIVERSE??? CAN YOU BELIEVE THEY MADE ME GET ON MY KNEES FOR HER?? = ”I had to include all of this because if you search “Hope Hicks”, her “Wiki Page” reveals that she worked for Donald Trump (and earlier Ivanka Trump modeling her fashion line). If Hope Hicks is the ‘Tranny GF’ then that would make Trump the “Anti Christ” in that statement. Loosely it could also make her association with Ivanka Trump a loose tie to Jared Kushner as the Anti Christ, since this author also posted numerous pictures of them both, with “666” across Jared Kushner’s forehead.
“Q” and “QAnon” are typically for Trump, but it is obvious that this person isn’t. Are they suggesting that “Q” is “smoke and mirrors”?
One more significant issue with the latter post shown (in part):
““THANK YOU JOHN FOR PAVING THE WAY I FORGIVE YOU.. THE BEGINNING AND THE END.” – Either this person is referring to the “real” John McAfee; or metaphorically to John the Baptist. Either way, someone in the CIA is having a good ole time. Just be careful with these deceivers. I believe this is typical “CIA ground clutter” because otherwise the “”, “” and “” wouldn’t have given this the time of day.
The Serpent

The new slant on the COVID-19 story is that people who were vaccinated were found to have Chinese Cobra and Chinese Krait DNA within them. Then it was “revealed” that one of the doctors who were against the COVID vaccines found that pharma-manufacturers were actually putting these snake venoms in the vaccines.
This of course has erupted into new controversy on the alt-media sites. Alex Jones and Mike Adams (HealthRanger) are covering it. So is Stew Peters and definitely the forums on “Telegram”, “Gab”, “Rumble”. And it’s no secret except to those who have forgotten episodes of “Wild Kingdom” or “Animal Kingdom” on Discovery Channel, that snake venom has been used in medicinal therapies for centuries. But the whole story reminded me of the stories of the “serpents” in several books of the Bible. This one comes to mind:
“And the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people, and much people of Israel died. Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, we have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord, and against thee; pray unto the Lord, that he take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people.
And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.” – Numbers 21:6-8.
Some have compared this to the story of how the “caduceus” came about, the symbol for medicine/pharmacy. It reminded me of another verse:
“And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man, which is in heaven
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.” – John 3:13-14.
It also reminded me of the dream where I was told by two Jews, “don’t lose heart because of the symptoms, the symptoms are helping fight the disease”.
What about Galatians 3:13? We are told by Paul “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us . . .” – the “book of the law” in the midst of the side of the Arc of the Covenant in Deuteronomy 31:26. And the “flying roll” that will consume the house of the thief and he that swears falsely by the Name of the Lord. In Zechariah 5:1-4.
There is another event that occurred in which the story of the “cure” is played out which featured serpents. Do you remember it?
“And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did so as the Lord had commanded: and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh, and before his servants, and it became a serpent.
Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers: now the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their enchantments. For they cast down every man his rod, and they became serpents: but Aaron’s rod swallowed up their rods.” – Exodus 7:10-12.
The “consumption” spoken about in the prophecies of Daniel 9:
“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.” – Daniel 9:27.
What shall he make “desolate”?
“I will bring it forth, saith the Lord of hosts, and it shall enter into the house of the thief, and into the house of him that sweareth falsely by my name: and it shall remain in the midst of his house, and shall consume it with the timber thereof and the stones thereof.” – Zechariah 5:1-4.
He “consumes”. What shall be “consumed”?
“And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.” - 2 Thessalonians 2:6-8.
- He became a “curse for us”. He became the “rod” that “consumed” the sorcerers rods. He was made “the flying roll” which consumes the house of the thief and lies by the Name of the Lord.
Let’s Go Brandon

Most of you have heard this vocal “meme”, yes? Just for the record, I thought it was stupid. I can’t understand why this would be a . . . a “thing”. I still don’t understand it. I still think it’s stupid. So why would anyone continue to say it? Especially with the story at accompanies it?
I don’t recall Donald Trump saying it, but then, maybe Donald Trump doesn’t say the “F” word (F - - - Joe Biden). People believe there is something other than veiled insult involved in this and I think they’re right.
The current president of the United States is “Joseph Biden” if that position of election even exists anymore.
Joseph Biden, “Commander-in-Question” was mocked and ridiculed by a crowd. The ‘chant’ if you want to call it that, contained an expletive that began with the sixth letter of the English “Aleph-beit”, and ended with a “Kaph”. It was a four letter word: an “anti-tetragrammaton”.
The “joke” was that when the crowd was chanting this, it sounded like “Let’s Go Brandon”. I’ve listened to that original video and I did not get that out of what was said. I believe there is something else being communicated here, to the “insiders” and next to no one is making the connection.
The Christmas video in which President Joe and Mrs. Biden give their holiday message, they had call-ins. One call-in said “Let’s Go Brandon” to the President; and Joe Biden responded back repeating the alleged insult, with Jill Biden laughing.
Much to the chagrin fans of Joe Biden, he repeated this phrase. He seemed non-plussed about it and it is doubtful that any of his assistant’s bothered to clue him in on this popularized epitaph. Or did Joe Biden know and the joke’s actually on us?
After running back into posts on Gab and memes on Facebook and other social media sporting this saying, a memory squeezed out from between the folds of my brain and made contact with some neurons, bringing it back to life. That memory, was this: Go to the 5:12 minute mark and listen:
Brandon 5:12 – 5:18
It pays to keep nuggets like this on file, even from over a decade ago. How many people ever . . . EVER heard of another “Jackson” brother, before Michael’s passing? Some will and have said they did. I have not. It was not promoted or discussed until, and rather briefly, referenced during Marlon Jackson’s speech at the televised memorial for Michael Jackson.
Brandon was by stories I read afterward, the twin brother of Marlon who did not survive childbirth or died shortly after he was born. Brandon would have been the “7th Son” if he had survived. Marlon (and Brandon) were only 17 months older than Michael. But why is this even significant? Why would this pop into my brain at all?
Brandon and Michael
Or Not
We have covered some of this in much older posts which Google took down, so I’m going scripturally and just connecting the similarities.
Joseph is the name of a son of Israel to whom God gave the dream of the sheaves, and of the sun, moon and eleven stars paying obeisance to Joseph in Genesis 37. Joseph/Joe is also Michael Jackson’s middle name. The story of Joseph leading into that of Moses, as we showed in “Exposing Egypt”, was a foreshadowing of the end time oppression and emancipation of the global enslavement.
Michael Joseph Jackson is the “gazingstock” (Hebrews 10:33), whose picture that former President Donald J. Trump posed with on two separate occasions on the campaign trail in 2016.
Donald Trump with Donald and Michael Jackson

No other photos together with any other celebrity – just Michael Jackson.
Michael Jackson’s full name means “who is like God” (?), Joseph, Son of Jack/Jake/Jacob. Michael Jackson suffered a very visible change in “visage” (face) and form after the skyrocketing of “Off the Wall” and “Thriller” albums in pop culture. The timing of his suffering and otherwise unconnected events in the world are now documented.
The “tower at Babel” was “sequenced” (rough draft) in February of 2001. In 2001, Michael Jackson’s “handlers” were Rabbi Schmuley Boteach and Jewish spoon-bender and ex-CIA/Mossad agent Uri Geller: Uri is cousin of Larry Geller, Elvis Presley’s hair dresser/handler. Assigned Levite-watchers/handlers, it is not a coincidence and the marriage with “Lisa Marie Presley” was arranged for the consumption of the public, but also for another reason: They couldn’t control Michael. He kept breaking his “imperial conditioning”.
Lisa Marie was a “Scientologist” at the time: not a coincidence either. Michael Jackson was assigned a lot of “handlers” in his lifetime . . . some of them he converted.
In September (7th Hebrew Calendar month) 11th of that 2001 year, the “towers fell” (Isaiah 30:25).
And the “day of the great slaughter” (Isaiah 30:25); is what the REAL “Y2K Failures” operation was preparing for when Lawrence (Trauma) Gershwin spoke to the CIA in 1999.
Lawrence Gershwin was a Bio-Physicist
What was Y2K really about?

The word “nuclear” doesn’t always refer to “bombs” (except for the end of the song “1999”, by Prince), but as in the name for CERN (Conseil Europeen pour la recherché Nucleaire” or “European Council for Nuclear Research). The “nuclear” refers to “Nuclear DNA”, where they were looking for the “God Particle” (Gene).
This was revealed decades later in an autopsy blood vial drawn and labeled “Trauma Gershwin” when “violence” was committed “against the blood of a person”.
MJ Autopsy Blood Vial
Presented on Autopsy
At 2011 Trial of Dr. Murray

The “sanctuary of strength” they “polluted” and “cast down” when the “people of the prince” destroyed “the sanctuary and the city” in him.
Michael Jackson is the “proselyte” they “compass land and sea” to make (Matthew 23:15).
Michael Jackson is the one whose “mind shall change, and he shall pass over, and offend, imputing this his power unto his god” (Habakkuk 1:9)
Michael Jackson is the one whose “soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith” and who “shall heapeth unto him all people” and “who ladeth himself with thick clay”. (Habakkuk 2:4-6)
Michael Jackson is the one whose “visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men”. (Isaiah 52:14-15).
Michael Jackson is one who was “oppressed and afflicted”, “taken from prison and from judgment” and he “made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death”. (Isaiah 53:7-10).
Michael Jackson is the one mentioned by name in the prophecies of Daniel. He is the one who “stands with me in these things” in Daniel 10:21. He is the one who “stands with the children of your people” in Daniel 12:1.
Michael is named in Jude 1:9 contending with the devil over the body of Moses because the devil was after the “life force” that had not abated; and he is the one whom the daughter of Zion “brings forth” under much travail in Revelation 12:2-5, and in Isaiah 66:7-8 and Jeremiah 4:31.
But Michael, the vessel/body, and Michael the soul went through a “separation” of sorts . . . a “divorce” if you will. The above Bible verses describe how Daniel 12:1 and 1 Thessalonians 4:16 are made possible.
Michael would not have been able to be a part of any of this, if it were not for one thing. Jesus wouldn’t be who he is if it were not for one thing.
Miracles could not manifest, people could not be healed and souls could not be saved if not for this one thing. And that is the one thing that Jesus IS in John 1:14, which is John 1:1. And the “publishing” of this is already occurring; and they can’t stop it, because they don’t know what it is or where it is (‘tell them that it’s human nature” . . . “why does he do it that way?”)
What does this have to do with “Brandon”?
More than once, one of Michael’s entourage, or a manager, or production director, or a choreographer had mentioned Michael returning the next day to rehearsals and described him as “a different Michael”.
His brother Jermaine Jackson said in his book “You Are Not Alone” that when Michael came back from the Middle East he was “a different man”:
“After that thou shalt come to the hill of God, where is the garrison of the Philistines: and it shall come to pass, when thou art come thither to the city, that thou shalt meet a company of prophets coming down from the high place with a psaltery, and a tabret, and a pipe, and a harp, before them; and they shall prophecy.
And the Spirit of the Lord shall come upon thee, and thou shalt prophecy with them, and shalt be turned into another man” – 1 Samuel 10:5-6.
According to “” and “Wikipedia” sources, the name “Brandon” comes from an Anglo-Saxon word/name which means “broom hill”. This also comes from the word “Breenhin” in Welsh and Celtic, meaning “prince”, “king” or “chieftain”.
Brandon = Prince, King or Chieftain.
In 1 Thessalonians 4:16, The Archangel Michael is the voice with which the Lord shouts when he descends from heaven.
Deuteronomy 27:5, Joshua 8:31 and 1 Kings 6:7 describe a phenomenon of building without tools of axe, or hammer or Iron in the building of the altar or the "house".
The Levites were in charge of the care of the tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant specifically. They were also the "singers and musicans of skill" in the "house" (1 Chronicles 9:33, 15:16 & 2 Chronicles 5:12 & Nehemiah 11:22) and never were they absent when repair of the wall or the house was taking place, there were always "singers and musicians" -
There is also this: The Levites were the ONLY ones who could bear the Ark of the Covenant; and they were the only ones that received no inheritence among the children of Israel (Numbers 18:23-24) because "The Lord God of Israel was their inheritance" (Joshua 13:33).
Now see Revelation 2:26-28 and Revelation 3:12. What does Jesus give to he that overcomes? His Name is called the Word of God - Revelation 19:13. His Name, the sound of it - and the "Morning Star" which He Is (John 1:1 and 1:14).
1 Thessalonians 4:16 - Are they the same? Daniel 12:1, Revelation 12:7 & Jude 1:9.
Why was the Ark of the Covenant Built? What is it's purpose?
Only a "Levite" can bear it.
What does “Let’s Go Brandon” really mean? (“Take My Name and Just Let Me Be?)
Why did Michael never talk about his brother “Brandon”?
“. . . And I will write upon him my new name” – Revelation 3:12.
Let’s Go, Brandon!