“Feeding Moloch”

“And I will set my face against that man, and will cut him off from among his people; because he hath given of his seed unto Molech, to defile my sanctuary, and profane my Holy Name.” – Leviticus 20:3.
“But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made unto yourselves” – Amos 5:26
“Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.” – Acts 7:43.
According to “Abarim Publications” the word “Moloch/Molech” means “king”. So does the name “Brandon” (see “Trumps Brandon” posted 04/29/22)
The word “Moloch/Molech” is the prefix in the word “molecule”. If we divide this word by syllable, molecule becomes “molech + Yule”.
Molech and “mole” suggest amongst other things, “one who works in darkness” as in a sense of espionage, a “secret agent”.
All of the above can verify the portent of the things playing out in genetic science today, up to and including . . . the “vaccine” (vacca = “a cow, from a cow, calf, ox, Taurus – Tau/Taw/Ptah”).
Those who laughed, ridiculed, mocked or otherwise oppressed those who were bringing to light the truth of these things going on are having a hard time right now. They are having a hard time coming up with explanations as to why the things the “conspiracy theorists” predicted ten and twenty years ago, are now facts in the scientific news.
Back in ancient days, those “conspiracy theorists” were called “prophets”: but they were still ridiculed, discredited, persecuted and crucified. Some were killed. And it still continues today. Hains Point was appropriately named. So was the CIA . . . “Caught In the Act”. I’ll have to think of one for the NSA.
I want to show you what is coming out now in the science community, in the news; and the politicians, gazingstock (celebrities) and other “luminaries” are promoting it like everyone was born yesterday and remember nothing. (Nothing new under the sun, Ecclesiastes 1:9)
2000 Mules
Has anyone seen the “2000 Mules” documentary? It is about the allegedly ‘stolen election’. It is produced by Dinesh D’Souza, who is a native of India and attended Jesuit schools until he came to the United States. His father was an executive in Johnson & Johnson. D’Souza was convicted of using straw donors to donate to Republican campaigns. He was pardoned by President Trump.
D’Souza is also known/accused of being a “conspiracy theorist” and has written over a dozen books and produced films concerning the corruption of the “left” and the greatness of America. I have a problem with some of this.
America is not, and has never been the greatest nation. She began with the slaughter of indigenous people, was built on slave labor, and continues to bully other countries into corporate and political compliance, using its intelligence agencies to undermine and overthrow other governments.
America needs to confess her crimes, repent and humble herself of the atrocities she has caused and committed – Pride goeth before a fall, and that includes well intentioned patriots who worship this whore riding the beast. It serves no purpose to deny what the U.S. has done. Confess and repent. Our nation is not above that requirement if this country hopes to be saved. And if your leaders won’t do it, then all of us collectively can pray for that forgiveness and let God winnow the thoughts and intent of the rest.
With that said, I responded concerning this “2000 Mules” film, which is due out in select theaters on May 8th:
“Why is this being turned into a paid movie in theaters? Are we going to see this at the Golden Globe awards now? Are we paying for truth? This pisses me off. Where does the funding for this come from? Where were the requests for donations? It's FICTION for sale! The real people trying to expose the truth are getting their accounts wiped off the internet, and these million dollar productions that stealthily make it through the gate are just another "controlled opposition". Who cares about a "stolen" election if the "victim" is preaching the same "save the Ukraine/I got my vax via my Operation Warp Speed" that their adversary is? Yet we turn a blind eye and continue to feed the damned beast!”
President Trump, while allegedly not FOR forced vaccination, is STILL promoting the vaccine, and his claim to “Operation Warp Speed”. He has publicly said he is vaccinated and boosted: yet he and his wife supposedly had COVID back in October of 2020 (CNN, Oct. 3, 2020). The article says he was treated at Walter Reed Hospital with the experimental “Regeneron” treatment. The article also said that at that time three world leaders who contracted COVID downplayed the seriousness of it: Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro, UK’s Boris Johnson and U.S. Donald Trump.
If Trump already HAD COVID, why would he even need to take the vaccine? Why would he tell Bill O’Reilly on national television that “yes” he was vaccinated and got the booster. When he was boo’d by his constituents, Trump got indignant and called out “Ah don’t, don’t, don’t, nah,nah”, shook his head and brushed his hand at them, as if their concerns about his hypocrisy were beneath him.
He is also now being called onto the carpet by some of his own cheerleaders over his support of the Ukraine, and his endorsement of various “Rhinos”, including the “transgender support”, and feeding the CORONA hysteria, Dr. Oz.
Trump is not practicing what he preaches; and he is “devil’s advocate” in disguise. Stop worshiping this man. He is leading you into yet another cage. The same with Elon Musk – Anyone founding a company investigating computer-brain interface by the name of “Neuro-link” is NOT interested in your freedom of speech.
Also noted, Elon’s company “Tesla” (electric cars) is named after the scientist Nicholi Tesla, whose private notes were scarfed up for the government by Trump’s uncle, John G. Trump. Who allowed the purchasing of THAT trademark? Wake up.
On that note, Bio-hacking is now coming out of CIA documents. Discern this and it’s source. I don’t post only those things I agree with: I post for your information on what is out there both good and bad.
Genetic Espionage

Someone posted this on Gab. It does look professionally done. Every time I see something like this though, titled something with “Ex-CIA reveals” in the title, it is immediately suspect. Why?
I know from two of my husband’s relatives; and one of my mother’s friends who WERE CIA that you are never “Ex-CIA”. It’s not a family you just “quit”. When handlers show up at your funeral to make sure you are YOU in that casket, you are NOT “Ex-CIA”. Until that moment they determine you are dead, you are always under watch: Always. All you are until then is either “active” or “inactive”.
With that said, watch this. I highlighted below this video some of the things that caught my attention:
None of this was new, and their goals were made known since the maturing years of the Human Genome Project, CERN and Genetic Engineering of food and animals. It stands to reason they would not stop there: It’s in the scriptures what their plans were and are.
Several minutes into this, the “Ex-CIA” asset brings up “stem cells”, and this is what he nicknames them:

God Cells. God cells = God Particle = God Gene. And these were “men of science” that came up with these nicknames. Now to put this in perspective, consider that the Human Genome Project partnered with CERN about 1994 to help with the computing power they needed to sequence genes, which back then took forever.
CERN in 1993 had released the World Wide Web to the public; and it seems that everywhere the human genome/DNA/Book of the Law is concerned, computer language and DNA “programming” language seem to run parallel. At times it can be ambiguous as to what they mean: The “Y2K Failures” for example (1999 controversy), were not computer related, but the computer language in the DNA. The clue to the “Trauma-Gershwin” labeled autopsy blood vial exposed Lawrence Gershwin’s CIA speech, and the bio-physicist’s role in underground facilities and bio-warfare to “bio-engineer”.
From “The Brandon Dilemma”, The timeline of the rough draft of the sequenced human genome (the tower of Babel) was submitted in February of 2001; in September of 2001, Isaiah 30:25 was manifested in the “fall” of the Twin towers (and tower 7), and the “Pentagon” (star).
Doesn’t it strike you as a bit coincidental that CERN is also a part of the “fight against COVID” (Home.CERN.com)?
2012: The “God Particle” Found
Does it also surprise you that COVID-19/18, or SARS-Cov-2 was reportedly “found” in Chinese mine workers back in 2012? Or is this a planted story to cover up the fact that patents existed on the SARS-COV-2, and it’s vaccine, back in 2014?
In Chromosome
19, the gene in the 19th position is the SARS2. Coincidence or target?
Now further along in the “Ex-CIA Reveals” video, he talks about programming or being able to “become what you want”, as if it were a marriage between the physical and the spiritual
Become What You Want?

This reminded me of another video, not quite of the same “scientific” approach, by an artist of music: This is the same video that I would play when I had a migraine, and I would put the small computer speaker up to my temple or forehead just lightly enough where the vibration could be felt . . . and it worked.
Whatever you believe, you become
At 0:36 seconds
The narrator-ex-CIA man then segued into the usage of CRISPR to edit genes. Well; we’ve been over this topic before too:
Edit The Book of the Law/DNA

Edit to make what you want? (CRISPR - Word processor for the genome?). Jennifer Khan was the first TED-Talk I saw speak on the CRISPR subject. She described a colleague mentioning the gene-editing tool, calling it a “Word processor for DNA”.
Jennifer Kahn on CRISPR
At 3:53 minutes

Another lady; the co-creator of CRISPR Jennifer Doudna, also talked about her “CRISPR tool”:
At 3 minutes 55 seconds
"CRISPR locus is effectively
a genetic vaccination card in cells".
Earlier in that video, an interesting metaphor is used after she explains that yes, viruses DO inject their own DNA into yours, and your DNA helps it to spread . . . she called it ‘ticking time bomb” -
At 0:47 seconds

Like little bombs going off? Check out the lyrics to Prince’s “1999”. He sings “everybody has a bomb, we all could die any day . . .” and of course the repeated chorus “2000, zero, zero, party over, oops out of time, So tonight I’m gonna party like it’s 1999”. In the ending adlibs, he includes “I don’t wanna die, I’d rather dance my life away 1999; Listen to what I’m tryin’ to say, Everybody, everybody say party, C’mon now, you say, party; that’s right, everybody say party; can’t run from the revelation, no Party . . .” and at the end, the last two lines sound like a young child saying “Mommy, why does everybody have a bomb”?
Another snippet out of Doudna’s lecture is the ability of CRISPR to edit bits of DNA, to add to it or take away from it (this is the language by which you are written into existence); and that reminded me of the command not to add to or take away from the law:
Add to or Take away from the Book . . .

“Also every sickness and every plague, which is not written in the book of this law, them will the Lord spring upon thee, until thou be destroyed.” – Deuteronomy 28:61.
“For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book” – Revelation 22:18.
Again, what is it called when you “transgress” the law? “Sin is transgression of the law” – 1 John 3:4.
At 1:53 on the Doudna video, "Chinese scientists showed recently they could even use the CRISPR technology to change genes in human embryos" -
This "TED Talk" took place back in 2015. Think about this in terms of "COVID" and what we previously discussed on "DIVOC" and "OMICRON".
At 2:55, she says "When viruses infect a cell, they inject their DNA.
At 10:26 minutes

So the trolls online attacking you either don’t know, or are paid to lie to you or intimidate you. Viruses DO inject their DNA into yours: it is the very nature of what they do. They can change your DNA and rewrite over your DNA. CRISPR can and IS encoded in viruses as a vector for introduction into the body. We covered that also on "DIVOC" and "OMICRON".
Not only is the technology available for you to “become what you want”; it is also possible for others to remotely control you. They won’t need MK-Ultra anymore, or Monarch Programming. Celebrities can be programmed, politicians can be programmed, those that have control of your kids for six hours a day can be “programmed”.
Military can be controlled for systematic killing. No “right/wrong” or “moral empathy” left in the individual.
Now that being scary enough, let’s look at another controversy now all over the news – Abortion.
Feeding Moloch
There has been a BIG FIGHT recently in congress, over the overturning of Roe vs Wade. Pro-abortion lobbyists are having a cow (because they don’t like human babies), and the feminists and lesbians and gay and transgenders are preaching “they’re coming for us next!”.
It will never cease to amaze me how so called human beings could fight so hard for the right to kill the most innocent of our species: Then it dawned on me two-fold.
This isn’t about woman’s rights and “body autonomy”. It’s not about that at all. First, it’s not anyone’s right to KILL . . . EVER! Nothing in the law of the land or the law of God grants anyone a “right” to kill.
Second, body autonomy: This is the most hypocritical argument of all. Those preaching body autonomy are the same that called for the culling of human beings that wouldn’t submit to a vaccine mandate. And I guess those same people who are pro-vax-mandate are also clueless of how a baby just happens to “appear” in the womb. That is the result of one . . . ONE act: SEX.
If you have sex, you have a STRONG possibility of producing a baby. If you don’t want a baby, don’t have sex. It’s NOT a necessity. You will not DIE if you don’t have SEX, or if you WAIT for SEX until you are ready or PLAN to have a baby. That’s just the way it is. You GAVE AWAY your body ‘autonomy’ when you accepted someone else’s SEED. Being thoughtless, reckless, or SELFISH does not grant you a RIGHT to kill.
Those that are in fear of or were victims of an unwanted sex act, such as rape or incest are of less than 1% of all abortions performed in this country. Not to marginalize your anguish, but keep in mind that the baby you are carrying did not cause this. Not only are there folks out there that would love that baby and can’t have one of their own and would willing raise it in a happy home; you are not obligated in the least to cultivate the hate that resulted in that child from incest or rape.
As a matter of fact, there is “no greater love” than to turn an act of hate into love. Keeping the baby or putting it up for adoption both would serve that purpose. You have the power to block off that negative energy and not one person that has done that has ever regretted it.
Now for the “second fold” – What runs through the minds of the prudent when they see their nation’s so-called leaders fighting for some contrived “right” to kill a baby?
Over 63 million abortions have been performed (Source: Yahoo News)since Roe vs. Wade: That’s 63 aborted babies in various stages of development over the past 49 years. Averaged out, that is almost 1.3 million innocent lives a year for 49 years. According to President Joe Biden’s announcement on May 7, 2022, COVID hit the one million mark in deaths in this country. So by Biden’s account, COVID has taken even less lives than that over the past two years, than abortion does EVERY year. It’s obvious to me where you should be wearing your masks!
What exactly are our so called leaders “fighting” for in this vote to overturn Roe vs Wade (if that is indeed what this is all about)? Your body autonomy? A woman’s right to “choose”?
The leaders of our government, and those leaders in other countries as well, have long ago written out our “right to choose” and our “body autonomy” when they gave big Pharma an unlimited license to corrupt the book of the law within you, without liability.
That is exactly who is behind, and funding, the abortion campaign. This is not about a woman’s right or body autonomy: Wars have been instigated and fought for mineral rights, oil and precious metals and this is no different: This is about filling the demand for PRODUCT.
"Stem cells typically originate from the fertilized cells in the very first few cell divisions. As stated earlier, these cells are totipotent and can generate the cell types of the entire body. All other stem cells arise or originate from these totipotent cells over the course of embryonic development." - Source, BioExplorer.net
Below is a screenshot on a paragraph further down – Pluripotent Stem Cells:

They come from embryonic development. They not only harvest stem cells from the unborn for growing body parts; they also harvest blood for “rejuvenation” therapies, organs, and the controversial DMT and other adrenal hormones. The latter is especially more valuable from close to term babies.
Shutting down a PRODUCT

Fetal DNA is also used for various purposes such as growing human organs on other mammal species, creating various “chimera”, and use in therapies such as vaccines – yes they are used in vaccines (source, ABC News).
Chimerism experiments have been performed using human DNA in animals, including a pig and a monkey.
Given the climate of today’s bio-engineering atmosphere, is it safe to assume that this is all that has been done in the darkness and unknown to most of us?
Made to Be a Curse

This kind of “corruption” or “confusion” is written about in the Biblical accounts in Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. It is known as far back as ancient Egypt. The humans with animal heads depicted on the relief of temple and tomb walls testify to genetic experimentation that far back. Some figures even depicted a group of these “gods” standing around a “budding” rod which looks convincingly like a strand of DNA.
David discusses his “substance” which is “written in your book” (God’s book) in Psalm 139:14-16. Several metaphors are used in the Bible to identify this “substance”: the tower from the earth to the heaven, towers, the ladder (Jacob’s), the twisted serpent, the rod that budded, groves, timbers and stones, the book of the law; also the “book of life” in Christ, the “Sword”, the “seed” which is “The Word of God”.
Knowing that the “Book of the law” is written within us, and it is written with that “one word” which is “His Name” albeit corrupted within us; you now know what “sin” is: “transgression of the law”.
Transgression means to add to or take away, or otherwise corrupt or break that which is written.
We do it every day, most without even knowing: But every auto-immune disease known to man is the direct result of transgressing that law. Every unnatural thing you put in your body, every unnatural thing you do to your body, and yes . . . even every unnatural thought, word or intent transgresses that law.
We were originally made, created to love one another as ourselves. What is going on now, all the divisiveness being propagated in the news, all the cultivated division by elitists into every socio-economic, religious, ethnic group and nationality is employed to keep us, all of us, from caring about one another.
The “Law of Christ” is simply this: to “bear ye one another’s burdens” and to “love your neighbor as yourself”. Walk a mile in another one’s shoes. The ways of the world today: survival of the fittest. A completely selfish, elitist doctrine anathema to the law of Christ.
God said to the prophet Moses:
“I have set before you a blessing and a curse; a blessing , if ye obey the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you this day: and a curse, if ye will not obey the commandments of the Lord your God, but turn aside out of the way which I command you this day, to go after other gods, which ye have not known.” – Deuteronomy 11:26-28.
God instructed Moses to call to mind among all the nations, the blessing and the curse he set before us in all the nations he had scattered us in Deuteronomy 30:1.
And in Deuteronomy 23:5 and Nehemiah 13:2, God said this about the blessing and the curse which was in the book of the law (Deuteronomy 29:21, Daniel 9:11):
“Nevertheless the Lord thy God would not harken unto Balaam, but the Lord thy God turned the curse into a blessing unto thee, because the Lord thy God loved thee” – Deuteronomy 23.5.
The Lord our God turned the curse into a blessing. How did He do that? See Haggai 2, Isaiah 52 – 53, and the prophecies of Daniel chapters 8-10. Also see 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8 and Revelation 12, 13 and 17.
Why did He turn the curse into a blessing?
The curse in the law occurs naturally because of transgression of the law. To put this in physically discerning terms, think of changing to size or shape of the gears, or throwing sand into them, in a machine; a biological one such as your body is: that dirt, or transgressing of the natural order of those gears cause that machine to destroy itself just trying to function. Think of it in terms of computer language, which instructs the hardware of a computer – the same way the language of your DNA instructs every cell in every organ of your body to work in tandem with other organs, glands and muscles in your body.
What makes you sick and what makes a computer sick is called by the same word: it’s called a virus.
“Sin is transgression of the law” – 1 John 3:4.
Sin is transgression of the law. So how does Jesus redeem us from this?
“For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” – Matthew 26:28.
His blood of the new testament:
“And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.” – Hebrews 9:22.
Remission of sin (remission of plagues of the law): Sin is transgression of the law. Transgression of the law causes the curse to come forth in the law.
“Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree.” – Galatians 3:13.
Jesus became a curse for us to redeem us from the curse of the law. And what are the curses, but the plagues of the law in Leviticus 13 and Deuteronomy 28:61.
Sin is transgression of the law. Transgression of the law causes the curse/plagues to come forth in the book of the law (written in your DNA).
“For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” – 2 Corinthians 5:21.
The Apostle Paul makes a distinction between the law of Moses (the first tabernacle called the sanctuary – worldly tabernacle), and the law of Christ (beyond the second veil is the tabernacle called the Holiest of all) the heavenly tabernacle.
During a sermon on the radio yesterday, I heard this:
“Since Moses presented the law, he could not enter the promised land a foreshadow that Law cannot enter people into heaven – the Promised Land”. They give the verses John 1:17, Colossians 2:14, Ephesians 2:15 and Hebrews 8:13.
As to Moses and his “Law” which the Jews today believe will save them, God had already answered for Israel:
“And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron, because ye believed me not, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them.” – Numbers 20:12.
Only Joshua, the foreshadowing of Jesus (whose name means the same, Jehovah saves), takes Israel into the Promised Land (heaven), and only Jesus will take the “church” to heaven. Moses presents the Law and could not enter, so Jews please take note: Moses by the Law could not go into the Promised Land. The New Testament is in Jesus’ blood. The Ark of the Covenant in the tabernacle is evidence of this.
Another thing the minister said on that radio program: “When you come to the cross, nail the Law (bondage) on the cross and take Grace”. Egypt represents this “bondage” which is why I have written about it so much.
One of the questions I had, once I had been shown these verses in my search for the Word (the one Word which fulfills all the law, which is Jesus in John 1:14) was this:
If remission of our sins comes in the blood of Christ, and faith in the blood of Christ; how then does Jesus “become sin” and “become the curse” for us to redeem us without corruption? That answer God showed me in Psalm 16:9-10.
In Matthew 24 and Mark 13; Jesus tells his disciples:
“When ye therefore see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand) . . .” – Matthew 24:15
“But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judea flee to the mountains.” – Mark 13:14.
There is something about the place, the “Holy place”, that Jesus wants to call to the attention of his disciples, concerning the “abomination of desolation”.
And I also believe that what this “something” is, tells us that we have nothing to fear from a vaccine.
It also might answer why Donald Trump may have taken a vaccine that he believes should not be mandated, but voluntarily taken.
The adversary loves to manipulate the Law of letters and numbers. Six is the number of man. If you consider the triage of “The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost”; or the three that bear record in heaven as “The Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost” and the three that bear witness in the earth as “The Spirit, the blood and the water”, you can see why the sum of the number of the beast adds to “six hundred threescore and six”. But no matter what numbers and letters in the law they manipulate, there is still this to consider:
They all have, and always will belong to God. And He knows their order.
Until next time, consider this legal filing made recently in Canada; because it also involves those in power in the United States. Consider what you see in the charges that were made . . .
. . . and what it possibly may have to do with a certain “publishing” of “a man after God’s own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14) which the thief was trying to steal foreshadowed in Jude 1:9.
Go to Page 15 on this Legal Brief filed recently; hidden under the chaos.